Monday, October 22, 2007

Sucj Horrible Things!

Such Horrible Things
Creature Feature
Sit Back Now
Let Me Tell You A Tale
Where Justice Does Not Prevail

About An Ill-Fated Life
So Very Full Of Strife
Where Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right


When I Was Born
I Did Surely Scorn
My Proud Parent's Name
Then Their Lives Went Down The Drain
Drove Them Insane
My Birth Was A Curse
I Bit The Nurse
Oh, But I Love The Worst
I Deserve To Be Slowly Submersed
Dried Out Then Laid In A Hearse

When I Was Two
I Poured Super Glue
Into My Fathers Hair
As He Sat Unaware
In His Arm Chair
Much To Dismay
Had To Cut It All Away
Oh, But It Felt Great
I Deserve To Cut And Filleted
Then Tossed About In Disarray
Until The Pieces Melt Away

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Four
I'd Wait By The Door
With A Knife In My Hand
And A Most Devious Plan
It Would Be Quite Grand
As The Mail Fell Through The Slot
The Sharp Edge He Got
Oh, But I Love The Thought
I Deserve To Be Tied In A Knot
Broken Bones And Blood Clots

When I Was Six
I Used To Trick
The Next Door Neighbors Son
In The Woods We Would Run
Time For Fun
Hide N Seek Has A Cost
He Would Be Forever Lost
Oh, But I Love To Scoff
I Deserve To Have My Head Lopped Off
Hidden And Covered In Moss
Until This Memory's Forgot

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Eight
I Used To Hate
The Color Of My House
So As Quiet As A Mouse
I Burned It Down
To The Ground
When No One Was Around
Oh, But I Love The Sound
I Deserve To Be Put Quickly Down
Rotting Six-Feet Underground

When I Was Ten
I Used To Pretend
To Drown In The Sea
Till They'd Come To Rescue Me
Then Preceed
To Laugh In Their Face
Such A Disgrace
Oh, But I Love The Taste
I Deserve To Have My Brains Displaced
All Over The Fireplace
Until This Life Has Been Erased

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Twelve
I Used To Delve
Into Evil Schemes
Just To Elicit Screams
Boost My Self Asteem
Pushed My Sister Down A Well
She Just Fell
Oh, But I Love To Dwell
I Deserve To Roast Deep Down In Hell
Where No One Can Hear Me Yell

When I Was Fourteen
Nothing Much Happened

There Was That One Time

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Sixteen
Life Was Frightening
My Brother Was Quite Dull
So With Laughter In My Skull
Pushed Him In A Hole
Then Buried Him Alive
He Barely Survived
Oh, But I Love The Cries
I Deserve To Be Battered And Fried
In An Electric Chair That's Set On High

Now That I'm Eighteen
I Still Hate Things
From This Padded Cell I Call My Home
No Friends, No Phone
No Life To Call My Own

Here I Will Lie
Until The Very Day I Die
Until My Blood Begins To Dry
And I Return To The Darkness From Whence I Came


I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems

Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
I'm Exactly What I Seem

ok, this may be the funniest song in a long long time! ^_^

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have updated my movie list today ^____^

I have updated my movie list today ^____^

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Early mornings

Early mornings it. what is the point with them, well at school nights that it's okay, but but, i mean what is the point of waking up so damn early in vacations? it's just boring. no one is up that early anyways. *watching Big Girl - Mika at TV* you know, i like Mika, but something with him is really annoying! and by the way, i don't think i like this music video. O.o *shudders* oh well. it's over now. and i wonder what song that is next! :D

... uh... okay, ... uhm, i like the big girl better than this. and i don't know the name of this song. NEW SONG! Foo Fighters - the pretenders! i like foo fighters, so hopefully this will be a good song! :D ^_^ this song passed the test:P hehe. oh well. new song. but but think is just confusing. uhm, is it really the wonam that's singing? or is it a male that is singing, and she's just.. pretending it is her? O.o scary! i want a new song! O.o and old woman at least 80 playing drums... I SAID I WANT A NEW SONG!!! okay and here it is :D

*sigh* stupid song! she is in a little box... dancing up side down >_> oh she's out of the box now! ... two people in a box. oh and it reminds me og her in pussycatdolls... O.o finally a new song! heh, this was a funny song:P... not that funny! but better than the other songs :) and that is a good thing, aye? NEW SONG! Fall out boy. finally a good sing! The take over, the break over, or something.

yeye, it's still some songs to be heard, so stay tuned! haha, i felt like a TV person there:P yeye, what's song is next? meh, stupid song! do it well, Jennifer Lopez >_> meh. i want to change the channel, but but... what song is after this? oh yay, the song is over! (: likin park! :D bleed it out( or something) it's a thumb up song! ^_^

yeye, haha, totally spice! funny show.

oh, well over to something more understandable :P i'm sitting in the living room and watching tv. and since i don't have anything else to write about, so why not just tell you people what's going on there? a good plan if you ask me :D :P hehe. yeye, i'm off, see ya!

-Captain HB-

Thursday, September 27, 2007

like, the first one in years!

well. time for a new post now, aye? it's at school, and i'm talking to a friend here. and what we're talking about is how stupid we are drunk. and that we are doing the same things. haha, it's funny, and like, showing pictures. haha. oh well.

well now it's math. and well. i have been reading something that a friend of mine wrote. that was disturbing. but okay. he's better now. and that is good. and now i'm thinking on what to do now. probably nothing, so why not write here?

i don't feel like it, although i should start feeling like it, it's almost like year since last time. so ell, i'm gonna force myself to write now, and look, im writing ^_^ yay. maybe not the smartest post, but better than nothing omh, i'm repeating myself! make me stop. the only way that i can stop this is by ending the post. but that's not gonna happened.

the people in my math class is stupid:P well most of them. not all. they're playing .. what ever it is, i think it is timberlake, or what ever his name is. ad that's not all, they're singing too! and and they can't sing. so. lisence to kill? yeah. thanks you. *shoots*


Thursday, September 20, 2007

post nr. 38

ja, idag har jeg bestemt meg får å skrive på orsk, så du som leser dette utenom Maria, vil mest sannsynlig ikke forstå en jævla dritt. but anyways. jeg bryr meg ikke, jeg er shiiiit lei skolen, og vil på jonas B. og trøste spise, siden alt er teit:P men det som er teitest er egentlig det at jeg irriterer alle som ikke gjør som jeg sir O.o jeg må slutte med det... nå på sekundet. jeg må ikke bli slik, jeg må ta megselv i nakken. *tar megselv i nakken* *ser meg rundt på alle folkene som ser på meg nå* "eh... heh..." jaja, vegg, slik kan det gå. ikke mess med meg O.o min "rar-faktor" kan slå hull i deg! hah. jeg bare rocker.... vegge. jeg rocker veggen.. nei. jeg rocker. stortsett alt. mhm der har vi det, jeg rocler stortsett alt. missunnelig? du burde. mener det, du burde! ha!

i'm bored!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleeping is... like dreaming!

hmm, it's a while since I've written a long and "good" post now, and i think it's about time i do. but the problem is that i haven't got that much to tell, nothing at all... so, er I'm gonna twist my brain, just for you...

I'm thinking on dye my hair back to Brown. but i'm not sure. Purple is ... Helene. but then again, it would be nice to have brown again. but as i said i'm not sure.

and that was maybe the most interesting. yeye. oh and if you wondered; Sleeping is... like dreaming!

i'm serious, it is!

-captain HB-

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The world IS a better place now! be happy!

Friday, September 7, 2007


things are not how they should be! i want them as they should be, i want things to be... ... not who they are now. and how can i make them be like they should?

i don't know.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bored to tears

yeah, probably time for a new post now. but i'm lazy, sorry. but anyway, nothing has happened. just me dying my hair purple again. and uhm. i'm having International English right now. yea, at school. listening to a CD. and we're supposed to figure out the different dialects. you know, if it is british or American.... or indian English. hehe it is funny. yeye. i think my teacher is very fond of writing on the blackboard.

my stomach is hungry. well, now it's not. now i'm hungry. and i have to go, see ya later =)
-Captain HB-

Sunday, September 2, 2007

who dosn't like lists?

Hello, and good morning to you too. What to write about today I asked myself, but couldn’t come up with something, so I asked Tusk.

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

why boys are so silly?

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

and what kinda boys you like?

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

famous ones?

Why haven’t I thought of that? *smacks hand on forehead* oh well. So here comes a list of my top male actors that I like.

1. Dylan Moran

2. Johnny Depp

3. Heath Ledger

4. Jon Heder

5. Seann William Scott

I’m sure there are more, but I can’t remember them now. You know, when I think about it. I can’t remember one single female actor except Kiera Knightly… and I’m not even sure if I spelt that right O.o well well.

I can make another list over what bands I listen to now ^_^ yes.

1. Blue October

2. The Bloodhound Gang

3. Regina Spektor

4. Tori Amos

5. Rammstein

6. Metallica

7. Billy Joel

8. Opeth

9. The Whitlams

10. Danny Elfman

And I’m sure there are a lot more than just those. But that is the ones I came to think of right now.

Have I ever told you how much I hate spoons? I think I have, but so what, I’ll tell you again. I really hate them. But forks on the other hand, I love forks. They are SO much cooler and all that, toughest and all that. Mhm. We love the forks.

Heh I found a picture of me and Maria some days ago. OMG how I looked. But Maria was worse than me. :P *hides under the sofa *shouts to Maria* I still love you! So well yeah. It was on 17. May I can’t quite remember what year. :P but we were small. Hehe.

“Å, dette er jeg flink til, kram nepe.”

-Captain HB-

Saturday, September 1, 2007


mhm, so it's been some time since last time i wrote. sorry. nothing interesting has happened. mmm. so today, i have been sleeping and with maria. maria is desperate O.o oh well. we have been eating and nerding and walking. mhm. and that is probably it. so i really need to find something to write about.

a film? nah. oh wait i know. me and maria have been trying to do this Quiz. stupid quiz. *brb* *back* lalalalala

it hink i'm gonna end this post.
-captain HB-

(and maria's the one to publish the post... uhm, yeah)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

feeling sick. yes, that's me! oh well. yes, Maria dear, wanted me to blog now. so okay, here i am. but i have no ideas of what to write. well i can start with that i was in Denamrk yesterday. it's another country. and i got home VERY late. and i went to school today. but i had to go hime, because my head hurts and i couldn't concentrate on anything. so no reason to stay there.

and that is THE new... so erh... se ya?!
-Captain HB-

(29 days :D)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


yes. sorry, haven't bloged for some time now. two day... meh. well it's early now. 7:07am. the reason for this is that i'm going to Denmark with the school. so i'll be gong all day.

see ya
-Captain HB-

Monday, August 27, 2007


oh, hello. i am at school. now. having art class. i'm supposed to draw a sculpture which i'm supposed to make in gypsum later. i think it can be fun. i think i'm gonna draw a pregnant lady. or something. maybe i'll post a picture of it later. that would be fun. i think. and you'll probably have a good laugh :P

oh, and yes, i didn't blog for yesterday, i wasn't feeling well, and i still aren't feeling well, so i went to bed rather early... but i didn't do anything special. i was a slave for mom... so as i said nothing unusual...

i should probably stop now, i'll update this blog later... i'll at least try :P

-Captain HB-

Sunday, August 26, 2007


me and maria was in Kr.Sand. shopping. but the thing is... we don't like shopping. kind of.. so we didn't use much time there. BUT i vought 4 new movies and slippers and socks! :D i think that was that. yeah. oh and on our bus-trip home i ate some salad. but maybe not like you would think... i didn't have any forks. and they didn't have any at the store. so i bought a pack of plastic knives O.o

so yeah. maria laugh, not with me, but of me. O.o

Friday, August 24, 2007

sleeping over at Marias house

nothing much, at all. oh well. i'll tell you what i have done today. first i woke up a bit later than i planned. and then i went to school. and i had one free period there. and than i went home. mom came and picked me up, cause i quited earlier than planned. and theeeen i... i. had to install my cam once more. and i pestered Trevor. and then i talked to maria and i am. :P i'm sleeping over at her house. we're going to Kr.Sand tomorrow. so, yes. i'm sleeping here.

i have a head ache. but i hope it'll go over soon. and Marias Net hates me. seriously it does! and i'm a bit bored. and i'm tired, so i should go to sleep. but haha, as if.

O.o i got a hole in my thigh(sp)

and that's it for today.
-Captain HB-

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maria! <3

I DO HATE YOU MARIA. and yes i am over at your house now. but the reason i hate her right now is because she won't send me the picture that she took of me. and ... i think you'd think it was a bit funny. but I'm sorry... MARIA wont send the picture to me!!!! so. GO AND KILL HER. she lives in Norway! so yes.

me and maria went for a trip. and on our way home, i had a blanket over me. and a backpack over there again. and socks on my hands. i looked SMART! just so you know. and well. I've laugh WAY to much today! my stomach hurts. indeed. and i'm like OVERHEATED. and... today i have had five cups of coffee so far, and if i want to sleep this night, i shouldn't have a tiny little drop more. so... i won''t drink anymore coffee.

today i had my longest school day so far this school year. from 8am to ... 3pm... and that is a long time. even though it's just 1 1/2 hour longer than before it's still a long time. and and i'm sick of school already. .. . ich been bored! that was a mix between German and English. yes. mhm, and that will maybe... iono.. oh well

now! i'm home again. confused?... :P
i should sleep.
-Captain HB-

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


TODAY nothing happen. well, except that we went to Lyngdal, and i met Merethe. and and i had a ice cream, and had lots of coke :D yammy! and after that we went home. THE shortest blog ever O.o

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Today i had to meet at school 8.00am. everyone else had to meet up 11.00, and by everyone i mean Marias class, and i think it was unfair. oh well, what ca i do about it, nothing! so, all we got at school the first period was some info and some papers. and that was it. when she that figured that she didn't have anthing more to say she gave us 500NOK to use at a cafè. no, don't think that she is all nice an stuff, 'cause she's not. not at all. my first impression of her was that she seemed to be a nise lady, but after some time i now know that i was wrong. she has the habit of telling us ...*example* you have that day off. and mari, that class chosen one:P she always write things like that down. and two days later she is like, i never said that! and even though the whole class says that she did, she still say that she didn't say it.

well, we got a list of what teachers we're gonna have this year, and in Norwegian we're gonna have her we had last year. and i like her. we kind of likes the same things. so it is much funnier to write a story when you know that the one who's reading in enjoys it. gosh all the other school years i have had teachers who are so totally different than me, and i have had some trouble writing. but not anymore:)

yes. so after we had been to the cafè we went back to school. 'cause we're gonna BBQ. but i didn't eat anything. i don't like to eat infront of ... something like 200 people. na-ah. so, i was waiting on maria to be finish, so that we could go into the city. she had to look at some shoes. and i needed some pants. but it ended with both of us buying pants:P hehe. oh well. so after that we took the bus home. yup. so as you see. this is maybe the most interesting my days will ever be. well if not something unthinkable happens. you never know. but we do hope that the unthinkable happens, right? goodie.

-Captain HB-

Sunday, August 19, 2007


hello, and welcome to my new blog :) well it's not new. but the skin is new. kind of. like it? hope so. today i was with those boys, you know. in that band. and uhm. yes. *I* was impressed! i didn't think was gonna play that good. well the guitar player was really good, but the bassist wasn't that good, but hey i'm not to say anything i wasn't that good at drum. but i think i was okay, and they asked if i want to come again another time:) and...

...oh yes. i may as well say it. we're gonna move. TAKE IT EASY. not from the city. just to another house. well we don't know which yet, they're looking after one. but it's still gonna be Ime. or Frøysland. but really i don't want to live there. but i want to live on ime!. meh. well, anyways when we move they said that i could get my drum kit :D YAY!!! but... mostly directed to Maria, don't kill me. I'll still love you. :) ... she is one of my bestest friends EVER!!!. so.

so. yes. me and Christine went on our little trip today. and after going through the city... well not right through it. but AROUND it. we went over the forest, it's a bit faster... i like to believe so!?! OKEY? and we stoped and looked at the city. it's beautiful. and when it gets dark and all the lights are one, and the river :) but i must say, it's not a beautiful city to live in, but it is beautiful otherwise. and well. my hands are full of cuts :P because we trowed rock down a hill side ^_^ it was funny. hehe, and well we were just Christine and Helene. stupid fouls!

Tomorrow stats school. 11.00am. and well guess what, i don't want to. shock? i think that all kids world over dislike school. and seriously i hope it stays that way. O.o but of course there are exception. and well... sshh on them! see ya

-Captain HB-

Saturday, August 18, 2007


yes, well. uhm, if you notice i deleted my last post. uhm. yes. don't be sad, nothing importante. but yes. i'm not home today, i'm over at a friends house, and i'm gonna stay her till tomorrow. i was supposed to go to Frøysland to "mor og far" dad's parents. but since i'm gonna play drums for those people tomorrow morning. i'm just gona stay here, Christine, she i'm staying with, is going with me. i won't go alone you see. and besides, she knew where they lived. something i don't. so, yup. here i am. right now she is watching kids TV :P i just listen to them. she thinks that one of the characters reminds her of me, a duck. with glasses. so maybe it is me? i do love ducks. they QUACK! and that is so funny. when they quack quack! haha oh well.

oooh i know what i wanna do. i'm gonna make a list over all my movies that i have bought. i want to have a really big movie collection.i don'æt have that many yet. but that's gonna change. i've bought three movies already today. but simce i'm not home now i have to wait before i can do it, well, i can say which movies i bought today:) itwas:
-The Brothers Grimm
-StarWars VI (the return of the Jedi)
yup. i wanna have all the StarWars movies. i like StarWars. nothing bad about them is there? nope, thought so. i can't wait to see KanonBall. i have seen it once before. and it was so funny so when i saw it in the store i just had to buy it.i have seen borthers Grimm before too, and i love that one. and Heath Ledger is, i think every girl/woman and even Ninja Pirate thinks so, BEAUTIFUL. heh. and together with Dylan Moran and Johnny Deep... gosh, when i think of it, why can't they make a movie together? you know, for me *big smile* i think they should do it.

oh, and Bob. the fish remeber?, is really criminal, he's tearing up the plants i bought for him. how do you teach a fish not to tear up things. how do you even teach a fish? ooh the big Question. yeye. i think that i should go and be social... :P

-Captain HB-

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bob aand Whiskey

today i have done a lot, except what i said i was gonna do. i helped mom clean the whole TV-room. ... washing the walls and the ceiling. and the windows. yeah, and i cleaned my own room. but i didn't vacuum the living room. gosh, shes gonna kill me O.o SSHH! well well the reason for that i cleaned my own room was because i got tow fishes today. (oh that sentence sounded weird...) they are the same age but one of them, the one who is called Bob, so SO much bigger than Whiskey. she i got them from said it was because Bob has been eating all those smaller fishes. :P oh well i love him all ready. so i have been busy fixing the aquarium for them :) but i am so good as done. and the finishing product is lovely:)

well, i have been thinking of what the hell to write about today, and i got a text message right when i thought of it, so why not talk about cellphones? i mean, i think i love that man or woman who invented cellphones. but in the same time i really wanna kill him/her. it's a nice way to like say hello to a friend, but you don't want to talk to them. and to say quick thing like "buy milk" but in the same time... think of all the text messages that is send every second in the world. i don't think there is a second where there's not send a text message. Gosh how frustrating. just by thinking on it my brain hurts. i mean... i mean... who is it that is keeping a eye on it? and what if the whole system fall to the ground O.o aaah, HEEEELP MEEEE!

i'm freezing, but i don't care to go done and get a sweater. so.. here i'm sitting. cold. and i want ice-cream... aah kill me.
-Captain HB-


okay, what have i done today? well. i have been sleeping O.o and eating O.o and.. yes the usual stuff. went to the store for mom. and i should vacuum the house. but... i forgot. must do it tomorrow. ooh i have news :D

some days ago when i was walking out from the bus there was one that stop me and asked "you play drums, yes?" and i just... WTF!?! ... i was thinking that.. and answered something like this " uhm... eh... yes. but... b-but i haven't played in a long time, and i don't have a drum kit" haha. than he said" oh i know you are good, i heard you down at Vassmyra" (Vassmyra is my old school, i played in the school band.) "ooh, oh, oh okay, well that's ...nice" and i was think like, uhm. you're ... *look up and down* 18-19 how the hell!?! and he said that he had a drum kit, and that he would like me to come and play one time :) i said yes, and i got his number. so i'm gonna go over there on Sunday and play a little. and i'm thinking on dragging christine with me :P i won't ... dare.... to go alone :P

so that is pretty much the only interesting i have to say. and that is a bit disturbing. and boring... WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! ooh i know. go and eat my banana ice-cream. nt i don't think i'm gonna do that. i have already eaten half of the box O.o heh. what can i say, i like it! DON'T LOOK AT ME THAT WAY! and yes. the whole box is mine " my precious!" O.o

oh well. you know i think i'm gonna write about something i am hearing in the background of the music i'm listening to. yes. i'm listening to moms music, while she has the radio on. well what the radio says "gay people reads worse than straight(SP) does" i mean... WHAT THE HELL. can't people be gay if they want. and i doubt that the read worse the we do. and i'm just gonna mention that the Norwegian church don't like homosexual people. i remember one time a in the media. there was a person that was gonna be priest. but wasn't allowed because he was homosexual. i thought the Jesus and gos loved all people? oh well what do i know. but i just have to say, can't the like/ love what ever sex they want?

and now from one thing to another mom has a weird taste of music. REALLY WEIRD. but that's just how that is. maybe that is the cause of my even more weird taste in music? probably.but i like some of her music :) like Arlo Guthrie he's tough(sp) oh well, whatever. i have to go to bed now. school starts soon, and i have to practice the early mornings. HAH as if that gonna happen.

-Captain HB-

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ninja Pirates

Today, i haven't done much. nothing much at all. but i have done something. i hope... yes, i was with mom to the store. and and i helped her clean the kitchen... kind of. and she's angry at me for not vacuum the house. i think... no wait i don't ever think. I mean, no what i don't ever mean anything... well, anyways. after that i ate dinner and then Merethe came. mhm. but now i am thinking, what the hell do you care? like why should you care about my day, what i have done. i guess that you don't so i SO gonna quit that. well for today at least. but as i have mentioned in a older post, i'm a Ninja Pirate! i have always been one.

ninja pirates isn't like a child from a pirate and a ninja... they're just born that way. and when they get a child, that child isn't a ninja pirate. and ninja pirates are immortal. they can never die. and you can never trick one. so they are pretty much on the top over the food rank. yes, are you jealous? should be. and no, you can't just say "i'm a ninja pirate too" because that's not how it works. because every year we have a meeting. no i can't tell you where. but anyways. on that meting every single ninja pirate from all over the world comes. no it isn't so many about 50 or so. so we have written down the names of everyone. and i have a copy of it. so if your name is on that list, well then i guess your a ninja pirate. but i doubt it. sorry.

and with that said. beware. you never know when i'm gonna kill you in your sleep.

oh. latest news. i have to go to bed. uhm... mom is sending me to bed. yes. so... see ya
-Captain HB-

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

dear jack!

erh. guess what. after mom borrowed my laptop i can't turn it on. maybe you understand that I'm not the happiest girl in town... i mean, what on earth did she do, if it was she who did it. i don't know. well, so I'm kinda borrowing moms comp. no I'm not gonna destroy it. and have i ever mentioned how much i hate her keyboard? well now i do. i hate it. it makes a very loud noise when you type, and the ... keys? are very hard. and i wish my laptop, who is named Jack and i will start using that name now, was working. i really hope we can fix it tomorrow, if not. well i don't know what to do.

so right now i'm lying in the chair, which was mine before. but mom and dad decided to take it *sniff* i feel sorry for it, and i never had the time to name it. but anyways, i have the keyboard on my lap, and i'm sitting really good here. but erh. i could have been sitting in my bed. and i promise you. my bed is SO much more compfy. i'm listening to a radio. it rocks. you should really try it. they play good music and they're really cool people. at least her i know. DJ shakeyerbooty. ^_^

*sniff* i miss jack. and and if i lose all the things i have on my laptop i'm gonna kill myself! seriously, i'm so gonna die. why have i never taken the backup thingy? but i'm thinking. no why should i do that, jack is nice. but look. it's broken *sniff again* and and i'm not gonna survive if i lose all the pictures and the music goes away. and all my bookmarks. i'm not gonna let that happen. yes. well. anyways.

i will have to try and survive. no that i want to... uhm... yes. my eyes are tired now. and my brain. and i should maybe go to bed. but hey do i want to?! no! and second, no wait there is no second. oh yes. bookie *IF* you are reading this, i will say it again. do some more video bloging ^_^ and don't scream. :) all good? good!
-Captain HB- (oh i'm thinking if changing my name. from CaptainHB to He-len-uh!)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


yes. well. to be honest, alot has happend since last time i posted here. but how much do i care to write here? aah. questions. i don't like them. well i like them. but not allways. wellwell. so *chough* yes, i'm still alive.

i've been working, mostly. when i haven't been working, i've been with Christine. and we've doing... oh i don't know, complainting and sleeping i think:P .i have been sleeping at christines. yes. she works where i work. and uhm.. yesterday i got my nabel(sp) pierced. :D it wasn't at painful as i thought i would be. i would love to do it again.

yes, so today. i got in a "fight" with my boss. with him being a jurk i just answered him as everynw should(but they don't) and in the end of the day it started like this. we had a pot we couldn't get clean. so i said to him "we need "stålull*" he came in and said " have you tryed that*points at a sponge* "yes of course" i snapped. yes, we were all abit tired and angry. and then he was like " you need to learn how to behave woth people, you're just 15 years old!!" " I'M NOT 15 i'm 16 thanks you, soon to be 17!!!" haha, i allmost peed my pants it was so funny. and everyone else in the kitchen had to hurry out so that he didn't see them laugh. mhm. so yes. he's abit agnry at me.
(*i don't know what it is in English)

so yes. i don't know if he want's me to work there anymore:P but i don't really care. he's so stupid. i mean how cares more for his flowers than his emploees(sp) no. nobody likes him. and if there are somone that does. they HAVE to be sick!

but except from that, nothing intresting has happend. kind off boring *sigh*
i wanna play Wii. so see ya later.
-Captain HB-

Thursday, August 9, 2007

oh yes!

yes. well. i'm in a convo on skype. where i'm not quite in the convo. i think thay talk about a guy that was in prison, with a lot of money, and... was set free. and crashed a car... O.o oh wait. now thay talk about a president and a clown. oh dear. i'm so lost. but but, thats okay. and now, everyone dissapeard. well kinda. the host needed to go and eat dinner. so someone else needed to be the host. so, now it is kitty how is. and they can hear me. YaY.

gosh i have to do so much work these next days. i have to work every day. i don't really want to. but i get some money. indeed i do. and i can use them on what i want :D lalala. that is the only up-side about it.

oh, i have the mic on... i have to stop makeing stupid noices... right away. yes, i stoped now. mhm.

so. well. i haven't had a intrestoing day today, not that i ever have... and that is kinda boring. i want to be an intresting perosn. with alot of intresting things to say. and, and. i don't... and i think that is a bit sad. to not be an intresting person.

O.o they're laughing at me. wellwell, i'm used to that. but as i was saying. oh. i wanna be an intresting person. i need to know how to be an intresting person. oh and i should make the list over thinks i like. but. i REALLY don't want to. 'cause there are *counts on my fingers* 2 persons how says "get to bed! you have work tomorrow" so. i have to hurry abit. but you know. me being me, i camn't go to bed. 'cause they say that i must. so if they just keep their mouth shut maybe i can get to bed abit early.

but then again. no. i'm Helene. i don't get to bed early... at least not now. IT IS SUMMERVACATION, GODDAMNIT. so, nah. i'm not going to bed yet. hah! oh, you know what. my legs hurts abit. i don't know why. maybe it is because of the work. but i'm not sure. i never am. but if i was, no i don't know. soo. yeah.

well i should probably end this post. yes, yes i should. so
see ya:)
-Captain HB-

Monday, August 6, 2007

oh, i almost forgot. thanks to Charlie who made this really beautiful banner to me :)

Go Charlie!


i have been thinking a bit, yes be shocked it dosn't happen that often, and i have figured out that i'm a bit jealous. 'what, on who?!' you might think. well. after some serious i've come to that i'm jealous of those who can write really long blog posts. i wanna do that to. and talk about something intrestimng. not like this. *looks at curtains* i wanna write a long post with something important. but what is that importante that i makes me wanna write a long post? i do not know.

but i do know that i have 5 books that i have to read. but i haven't have time to read lately. have been working like hell. and now i have to days off. i think i maybe have say this in another post. me don't remember O.o .

ooh, my neck hurts. at least when i look to the left.*run up the stairs, and runs down* tomorrow i'm going to the Zoo with merethe and maria. i cant wait :)

I HATE SEAGULLS! or whatever they're called. i hate them. and together with everything else i hate maybe i shoud write a lits of things i hate!

some(kinda many) people,
early mornings,
things i don't understand,
things i DO understand,
stupid music,
stupid people,
wannabe people,
red apples,
blink(norwegian site),
nettby(norwegian site),

as you see. in the end it's a long list of things. and i don't want to write more of them. it's just a few things i hate there. next time i should take what i like. heh:P

right, i'm not gonna write more today...
-Captain HB-

O.o i neep help

yes, well, two none work days now *big smile*
yaya. it's kinda late now O.o maybe i shpuld try to get some sleep now... HAH, never gonna happend!

oh dear. i've totally lost it. i'm scared! i think i should... i should... leave the net. yea, that would be good. at least for a night:P

-Captain HB-

Monday, July 30, 2007


mhm. okay. i'm back. it's been a while since last time... i think *funny face* but anyways. the theme for today iiiis (i was gonna take lov, but then i remembered a curtain "Cara" who reads it and decided to take:) Norbit! (it's a movie!) i saw the trailer at TV. yes i do watch lot at TV. and i thought to myself. i wanna see that movie. so when me and mom was at the store i saw that movie and i brought it. and i have now. and i have seen it. *I* think it was funny :) mom didn't... she's adult.. yeah.

so lately i have been working, alot, and sleeping, and eating icecream. not good :/ but but... i don't care. hah.

you know, i don't know where people are... well my brother is sleeping and dad is at work... but where is mom, she's usually up by now O.o spooky. hehe. wellwell. so. maybe i should talk about somehing more *thinks* oh yeah. i'm not gonna be so much online the rest of this week and the next one. *sigh* why not, you wonder? well i'm going to work... work allmost everyday, except monday and thusday, but on thusday i'm gonna go to the zoo with maria.

and i'm sorry for that i haven't posted a blog before now. but i had to half done posts, to be posted. but i never came so far that i fixed them and posted.

this new guy, well he isn't new, just that i haven't worked with him before. he smelld SO good ^_^

right, gotta get going.
-Captain HB-

Friday, July 27, 2007

I think i'm all alone

I think I’m all alone.

Afternoon turned to evening, the sun hanging low in the reddening sky. Grasshoppers loudly chirped in nearby fields, and birds sang their joyful songs. The heat of the day was starting to die down to a perfect outdoors temperature. It was the kind of day to sit outside with an iced drink and lounge around, forgetting anything unpleasant floating through around your mind. Just thinking about it would ruin the perfection.

Leaves rustled in the tree shading Kristina, and the breeze chilled her skin—but not enough to warrant fetching a blanket. She wished the breeze away, wanting some of the heat to return. In one of her hands, she held a copy of æharry Potter—which had been on her list of things to read for months, but she’d never found the time to dip into it.
Her Dad had recently died in a traffic accident—his car totally wrecked.
Having never really recovered from the loss of her husband, Kristina’s mother became ill herself—leaving her daughter to take care of her little brother.
Nevertheless, she coped with it because she loved her mother, and knew that if she asked anyone for help, they’d be separated—her and her brother put into foster care, and her mother left alone.

Kristina could hear the crunch of footsteps behind her. Worried, she turned around. Linda, her mother, had not been this far from her bed in weeks. Afraid she’d fall, Kristina dropped her book, rushed to her and led her to a chair alongside hers. More worrying to the girl was her mother’s expression. She was smiling and inexplicably joyful grin.

Hesitantly, Kristina asked: “Mom…are you alright?” No answer.

She just sat calmly, looking across the plain outside their house. Scattered with wildflowers and bushes, it was still essentially a desert.

The girl tried a second time: “Mom, are you alright? Mom?”

“Is Kasper sleeping?” She answered after a few moments, her voice rusty from disuse.

Is this why Linda had come all the way out here? Kristina began to feel uneasy about the odd smile on her mother’s face. She wasn’t sure what to say, so she replied a simple “Yes”.

A few minutes passed before Linda volunteered, “May I have a glass of water, please?” still looking across the plain.

This gave Kristina a chance to get away from her mother for a minute, to think over what was going on—just this morning she’d heard her crying in the next room, as she did every day since her husband’s funeral.
It was when she turned the tap on to fill the glass that she noticed how eerily quiet the house was. Even when asleep, Kasper was a noisy kid—he fidgeted in his sleep.
She walked to his bedroom and flicked the lights on. The bed bar was down, and Kasper was nowhere to be seen.

“Kasper if you’re hiding, come out right now—this isn’t funny.” She tried to keep her voice full of authority, but it trembled as she spoke.

A yip from the closet not two feet from her made her jump and spill the water over herself. She jumped to the door, and yanked it open to find Kasper buried under a mound of clothes.

“What happened!?” She almost shouted, her voice getting increasingly high-pitched. She took Kasper in her arms, and could feel him shaking, totally silent, his eyes widened in shock. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he relaxed in Kristina’s arms, still mute.

Linda! She heard footsteps entering the house. Kasper froze up again, still held in Kristina’s arms as she walked up and down the bedroom, her heart pounding. She tried to calm herself, but couldn’t. She knew her mother was behind this, and had come back into the house, was probably looking for her. There was no way to tell where she was, because her footsteps echoed from wall to wall and down corridors.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the bedroom door, still cradling her brother. The front door was wide open; as she had left it, but she could see the pink fluffy slippers her mother had been wearing outside, placed beside the entrance.

A loud thump broke the dead silence, Kristina jumped, thinking something in the room had fallen to the floor, but sharp pain spread up her leg. She dropped her brother and yelled at him.


Kasper disappeared from the room and out the front door as fast as he could, leaving Kristina to collapse on her bum, clutching the leg where she’d been shot. She heard noises coming from the kitchen.

The young boy ran out of the house, but had no idea what to do from there. He ran to the garage, but that solved nothing. The red sun was diving below the horizon as two loud shots pierced the air. Kasper choked back a scream, but tears began to flow down his face once more—despite being young, he knew what it meant.

He was only four years old when the neighbours heard his knock on their door, and he told them:

“I think I’m all alone.”

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

bæ mø kykkeliky

i know, i didn't write yestarday.. bad me.. but seriously, i didn't have anything to talk about... not that i have anything now >_> (brb for 20 mins....) *playing Opeth - To bid you farewell* okay back. so. i got some new shoes for my job today. love them ^_^ but i don't wanna talk about my job. nuh uh!

i don't like cows. they're just stupid animals. but in the same way i love them, without the milk i would've died... seriously. y'know what? i want ice cream... (brb...again) *playing muse -Sing For Absolution * so, i'm back again. and just for the record "...'cause..." is NO answer. and i'm deadly tired! and and .... never mind.

okay. i just have to say this, YES it is about my job... >_> SHUT IT! well. i'm so talking loud to myself when i'm working. and sometimes i'm singing. i find it funny, and believe me, the others do too. and today when i was taking a thingyy with around 20 glasses in over to the glass-cleaning-machine i allmost lost my grip, but it made alot of noice indeed, so i just stood up and said: "it's okay!!!" and it all happend so quickly that the two cooks started laughing, and they couldn't stop! i think the was laughing about it for like 10 minutes!!! and evertime i came ino the kitchen they started laughing, or just said: "it's okay!!"

haha. wellwell, nighty night.
-Captain HB-

Saturday, July 21, 2007

10th post!

so this is my 10th post. *feeling flink (good in norwegian)* it's special! well not really. and i'll tell you a seacret. you know the other post.. the nr. 9 one. i wrote that one in Word, so there isn't so many typos... but.. uhm. dont tell anyone okay? *blig smile*

so today i worked 10 hours. i'm good aye?! OH DEAR!!!!! you know what i have forgot to tell you guys!?!?! no, no you don't.. but i'll tell you now. it is that i'm a pirate. but after some search in my family tree, i figured out that i'm a Ninja Pirate! and that is like a really big YEAH!!! 'couse that makes me stringer and better in every way than those silly ninjas and pirates! HAHAHA... so *chough*

10 hours at work today, but it wasn't so hard today, at least not as hard as yesterday. my neck and back is much better today ^_^. but because of the weather it's not that many people. and i'm glad for that :) so i hope, good i hope no one at work reads this, that it's raining tomorrow too...

well so whit this said, i think i should go to bed... *nods* yes i should. nighty night
-Captain HB-

right, so here's another one O.o

No, I haven’t forgotten. I’m just a bit late. I’m writing it now, right!? Well, so this was my second day at work. And yes it is hard! Yesterday I worked 4 hours, and I thought that was hard. Today I worked 8, 5 hours! And my neck, back, legs AND feets hurt like hell!!! But I did have a good time… believe it or not.

So, what’s up? No wait… What’s going on? Yeah that’s better. Because now you can’t say: “the sky is up…” or something... Yeah, I’m smart!!!…. Shut it!!! And just for the record, there’s nothing going on over here, just me trying to get this blog finished while looking at a “movie” but I’m getting the hang of it ^_^ OMH HE JUST PICKED HIS NOSE!!!!... uhm… well… Where did the sound go!?! I hate it! Never mind that.

You know what. Because I really don’t know… but I wished I knew. It would make everything SO much easier, really. Oh there is something I know. But… I don’t know if I’d like to share it with you… oh heck, why not? I like… A LOT!!!! O.o you didn’t see that coming, did you? OH DEAR HOLY GOD, HE’S SICK O.o!!!! *chough* GAD, HE CAN’T SING! STOP SINGING!!! But right, so uhm… I think that I should go to bed. Like right away… so

Nighty night.
-Captain HB-

Thursday, July 19, 2007

First day at work

so, now i have been at work. and .. YES my back hurt... what did you thingk!!!? and just for the record, working as a dishwaseer and cleaning help in a bar/resturant is damn hard! and i should get some muscels from this.. if not... i son't think we should talk about that.. really. oh yes blister hust too, mhm they do. and i have like... MANY...

well so apart from that, i think that it should go buses to twelve, and not just to ten... i have to go home.. but not today, Mariann and Christian drove me home today :) but i probably have to go home the upcoming days... or call mom and ask if she can come and get me. which i think i'll do. but i actually want to go to work tomorrow. it was kinda fun... not when it was stressful... you know what i mean(and if you don't, to bad for you)

right now my eye make a funny sound:P i need food... cake.. and MILK! have i ever said how much i like milk? no not like... LOVE!!! how much i love milk. if i go a day without milk, i get a headache. and we don't want that, that my opinion.... right, so uhm

see ya
-Captain HB-

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


yes, the job thingy went well, i think. so tomorrow six pm i'm going to go down there and try it, and see how it is. and if i like it, and if they think i'm good enough then the job is mine. i hope it goes okay. *cross fingers* so today me an my brother was in Mandal, he wanted to spend some money he got from his birthday, and i needed black pants. i found some! YaY!

this day has gone fast, not that it's sp late right now... oh god, i don't have anything to talk about, except that i don't have nything to talk about... I HATE IT!!!!! ÆÆÆÆÆ!

-Captain HB-

Christine! :D

today, has been a shity day.. but not really. it's been a wieard day yes. i vacuumed the house cleand the bathroom and help mom with the food for my little brothers birthday. there were like 20 people here... well, except from that.. uhm.. no... so anyways. i was down at the "marna Cafe" where i'm gonna work, if everythings goes as planned... and it's not allways :/ but i hope it goes fine, for if it does i'll have a job for the summer, and i'd like the money :P who wouldn't?!

and Christine asked me, around half past twelve AM, if i'd like to go for a walk, so okay i did, and we talked about everything really, and i liked that. we used to be with each other all the time before, and when we got sick of each other it was like:
Christine: i'm sick of you, i'm going
Me: good, be gone!
and the next day it's
Christine: Heey, wanna do something?
Me: sure! what do you wanna do?
and i find it rather funny, and she's like the blond popular girl, and i'm the wieard one! and we are so different that her mom once said, how the heck do you two stay friends?!(she is a friend of my mom) and i don't have an answer... and whenn we talked today, i suddenly realized how much i missed her, and her stupid comments or her way of laughing...

and that's probably it!
see ya
-Captain HB-

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

*4* *orange*

right *hick-up* so i have now seen "A night at the Roxbury" and it was at some parts funnier than i thought. and some places was just deadly boring:P but seen all in all, i liked it! *hick-up* so even though none of you have posted a film that you want me to see, i have to rate this then. and i will give it a strong 4. if you need a laugh this is the movie.

so with that said, i'll go over to the daily things. like my grand pa had birthday today:) so we were over there most of the day. mhm and i got my hair cut. it feels like i don't have hair left >.< even though i have long hair now. before it was really long, now it's just long... mmm. something like that.

i'm gonna be orange!.. STOP LOOKING AT ME THAT WAY! the world isn't faling apart just because of that! and and.. er... i don't really like the color orange, but still i wanna be orange. and the reason is, yes i have a reason, before, when i was little, i always had something orange on me ^_^ heh. that's one of the things a friends remember about me from when we were little. and yes it's true. but there's a reason that i was wearing orange all the time... mom said it suted me! so then it must be true... err. right?

and i should probably be going to bed. tomorrow is Simens birthday, and i have to go to Mandal and buy him a opresent... not that i'm sure what i'm gonna buy... but i hope'll think of something, wait let me refrace that sentence " i know i'll think of something"

oh and i have two last things to say before i go... so hang on, okay?
the first thing: i'm a "Ninja Pirate" and i'm immortal!
the second thing: i have a job for the summer... most likely... hopefully...

sooo, see ya
-Captain HB-

Monday, July 16, 2007

death to spoons

"What is love? " yes, that is the song that's going through my head. and yes there is a reason. i'm gonna watch "A Night at the Roxbury" i have seeen it once before, but i can't remember anything about it, other than that it's funny! so i wanna watch it again soon. and i hope it will be as funny as last time, or even funnier.

so, yeah, that's pretty much it. OH wait i forgot. you know what i did today?!? i cleaned my room. like totally cleaned it. with soap and stuff O.oyeah, unbelivable, huh? my friend was so socked when she saw it. " WOAH HELENE, YOU HAVE CLEANED IT!" and after the sock we saw "Advent Children" by Final Fantasy VII i like that movie. and i think that every girl/woman should have their own Cloud, if they want to that is... i know i want one :P

and i like forks, spoons are overrated!
once my brest frined and i was cleaning their kitchen, and she was standing there with a spoon in her hands and she said: " you know, spoons are dangerous" and just looked at her and answered "er... okay, why?" and then she hit me right in the forehead with the spoon "therefore!"

no it's not funny, it hurt really bad! and after that i have allways hated spoons:P so GO FORK POWER!!!! forks pwn! big time!!!

see ya
-Captain HB-

Saturday, July 14, 2007

another one? O.o

so, uhm, yes. here's another one, and i'm sorry, i still don't know what to write about. but i can say that there are probably gonna be alot of changing on the site, and i hope it doesn't bother you that much.

so with that said... WELCOME! once again you have come in here to read what i write. i'm proud of you, i really am... er... well, just to have something to talk about; i'm going to the cinema to day :D to see Harry Potter. oh dear! i can't remember what it's called. oh dear, that's not good. but i know that on the book cover there's a lot of blue? yes? am i right? i'm disappointed by myself, i am.

oh yes. now i have been to the cinema and seen the harry potter movie. i must say, it was rather short, but i liked it! indeed i did. it was yay yay! oh you know what, this gave me an idea of whet this blog can be about. film, i can say what i think about them :) so please! say which film you want me to see and say what i think about them. no, no porn! but pretty much anything else. i have seen alot of films lately, kinda addicted to them. and i know that's not so good....

so, SAY WHAT FILM, AND I'LL WATCH IT! and tell you what i thought about it, and maybe even give it a 1-6 on Captain HB 1-6 thingy. er..
just tell me what movie you want me to watch... okay?! good.

and, uhm, you are now allowed to show this site you your friends and stuff. yes, yes you are. aren't you proud of me? well you should. :)

see ya
-Captain HB-

Friday, July 13, 2007

well, the first one.

right. so here's the first one. i don't really know what to write about. and if i'm right, i don't think that there is anybody that will read this. and excuse my English, i know that sometimes it really suck, but that's maybe because i'm from norway... i don't know. i wish i did though.

so what's the theme for this first blog be? well i know. i can introduse you to Me, Myslef and I. it is mostly Me who controls everything, but sometimes I and Myself takes over. and when they do... run...

so. uhm. today at dinner, mom had made pizza. and since it's friday we don't sit round the table and eat. i had something i'mportante to say to mom, well not that importante, anyways. as i was in the middel of what i had to say she starts to back out of the kitchen as i talk, and in the middel of a sentence it was like: "...and than, come back i'm not finish yet, he said.." hehe it was so funny we almost laugh us to death. yes i know not so funny, but i have a sucky humor... and that's, well i think so, is mom's fault...

and, i must admit, i spend to much damn time here with my laptop... so now lately the second i open my laptop i get bored... so me and my friend has desided to noe spand so much time here. we have made a list that we have taped on to the cover of the laptop, so everytime i'm about to open it, i see that list and does something that stands there.

well, nect time i post, hope it dosn't take that long, i'll have something more intresing to talk about :)

see ya
-Captain HB-