Thursday, August 16, 2007


okay, what have i done today? well. i have been sleeping O.o and eating O.o and.. yes the usual stuff. went to the store for mom. and i should vacuum the house. but... i forgot. must do it tomorrow. ooh i have news :D

some days ago when i was walking out from the bus there was one that stop me and asked "you play drums, yes?" and i just... WTF!?! ... i was thinking that.. and answered something like this " uhm... eh... yes. but... b-but i haven't played in a long time, and i don't have a drum kit" haha. than he said" oh i know you are good, i heard you down at Vassmyra" (Vassmyra is my old school, i played in the school band.) "ooh, oh, oh okay, well that's ...nice" and i was think like, uhm. you're ... *look up and down* 18-19 how the hell!?! and he said that he had a drum kit, and that he would like me to come and play one time :) i said yes, and i got his number. so i'm gonna go over there on Sunday and play a little. and i'm thinking on dragging christine with me :P i won't ... dare.... to go alone :P

so that is pretty much the only interesting i have to say. and that is a bit disturbing. and boring... WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! ooh i know. go and eat my banana ice-cream. nt i don't think i'm gonna do that. i have already eaten half of the box O.o heh. what can i say, i like it! DON'T LOOK AT ME THAT WAY! and yes. the whole box is mine " my precious!" O.o

oh well. you know i think i'm gonna write about something i am hearing in the background of the music i'm listening to. yes. i'm listening to moms music, while she has the radio on. well what the radio says "gay people reads worse than straight(SP) does" i mean... WHAT THE HELL. can't people be gay if they want. and i doubt that the read worse the we do. and i'm just gonna mention that the Norwegian church don't like homosexual people. i remember one time a in the media. there was a person that was gonna be priest. but wasn't allowed because he was homosexual. i thought the Jesus and gos loved all people? oh well what do i know. but i just have to say, can't the like/ love what ever sex they want?

and now from one thing to another mom has a weird taste of music. REALLY WEIRD. but that's just how that is. maybe that is the cause of my even more weird taste in music? probably.but i like some of her music :) like Arlo Guthrie he's tough(sp) oh well, whatever. i have to go to bed now. school starts soon, and i have to practice the early mornings. HAH as if that gonna happen.

-Captain HB-


Anonymous said...

wtf, someone remembered you from vassmyra, gosh, WHO, WHO, WHO?

Bunnymon said...

... well, that the problem, i have never seen him there. and how the hell... I DON'T KNOW *sigh*

Anonymous said...

wow, you gotta ask him HOW he "knows" you!

Bunnymon said...

... maybe...