Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maria! <3

I DO HATE YOU MARIA. and yes i am over at your house now. but the reason i hate her right now is because she won't send me the picture that she took of me. and ... i think you'd think it was a bit funny. but I'm sorry... MARIA wont send the picture to me!!!! so. GO AND KILL HER. she lives in Norway! so yes.

me and maria went for a trip. and on our way home, i had a blanket over me. and a backpack over there again. and socks on my hands. i looked SMART! just so you know. and well. I've laugh WAY to much today! my stomach hurts. indeed. and i'm like OVERHEATED. and... today i have had five cups of coffee so far, and if i want to sleep this night, i shouldn't have a tiny little drop more. so... i won''t drink anymore coffee.

today i had my longest school day so far this school year. from 8am to ... 3pm... and that is a long time. even though it's just 1 1/2 hour longer than before it's still a long time. and and i'm sick of school already. .. . ich been bored! that was a mix between German and English. yes. mhm, and that will maybe... iono.. oh well

now! i'm home again. confused?... :P
i should sleep.
-Captain HB-

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