Thursday, August 9, 2007

oh yes!

yes. well. i'm in a convo on skype. where i'm not quite in the convo. i think thay talk about a guy that was in prison, with a lot of money, and... was set free. and crashed a car... O.o oh wait. now thay talk about a president and a clown. oh dear. i'm so lost. but but, thats okay. and now, everyone dissapeard. well kinda. the host needed to go and eat dinner. so someone else needed to be the host. so, now it is kitty how is. and they can hear me. YaY.

gosh i have to do so much work these next days. i have to work every day. i don't really want to. but i get some money. indeed i do. and i can use them on what i want :D lalala. that is the only up-side about it.

oh, i have the mic on... i have to stop makeing stupid noices... right away. yes, i stoped now. mhm.

so. well. i haven't had a intrestoing day today, not that i ever have... and that is kinda boring. i want to be an intresting perosn. with alot of intresting things to say. and, and. i don't... and i think that is a bit sad. to not be an intresting person.

O.o they're laughing at me. wellwell, i'm used to that. but as i was saying. oh. i wanna be an intresting person. i need to know how to be an intresting person. oh and i should make the list over thinks i like. but. i REALLY don't want to. 'cause there are *counts on my fingers* 2 persons how says "get to bed! you have work tomorrow" so. i have to hurry abit. but you know. me being me, i camn't go to bed. 'cause they say that i must. so if they just keep their mouth shut maybe i can get to bed abit early.

but then again. no. i'm Helene. i don't get to bed early... at least not now. IT IS SUMMERVACATION, GODDAMNIT. so, nah. i'm not going to bed yet. hah! oh, you know what. my legs hurts abit. i don't know why. maybe it is because of the work. but i'm not sure. i never am. but if i was, no i don't know. soo. yeah.

well i should probably end this post. yes, yes i should. so
see ya:)
-Captain HB-

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