Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Today i had to meet at school 8.00am. everyone else had to meet up 11.00, and by everyone i mean Marias class, and i think it was unfair. oh well, what ca i do about it, nothing! so, all we got at school the first period was some info and some papers. and that was it. when she that figured that she didn't have anthing more to say she gave us 500NOK to use at a cafè. no, don't think that she is all nice an stuff, 'cause she's not. not at all. my first impression of her was that she seemed to be a nise lady, but after some time i now know that i was wrong. she has the habit of telling us ...*example* you have that day off. and mari, that class chosen one:P she always write things like that down. and two days later she is like, i never said that! and even though the whole class says that she did, she still say that she didn't say it.

well, we got a list of what teachers we're gonna have this year, and in Norwegian we're gonna have her we had last year. and i like her. we kind of likes the same things. so it is much funnier to write a story when you know that the one who's reading in enjoys it. gosh all the other school years i have had teachers who are so totally different than me, and i have had some trouble writing. but not anymore:)

yes. so after we had been to the cafè we went back to school. 'cause we're gonna BBQ. but i didn't eat anything. i don't like to eat infront of ... something like 200 people. na-ah. so, i was waiting on maria to be finish, so that we could go into the city. she had to look at some shoes. and i needed some pants. but it ended with both of us buying pants:P hehe. oh well. so after that we took the bus home. yup. so as you see. this is maybe the most interesting my days will ever be. well if not something unthinkable happens. you never know. but we do hope that the unthinkable happens, right? goodie.

-Captain HB-

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