Friday, August 24, 2007

sleeping over at Marias house

nothing much, at all. oh well. i'll tell you what i have done today. first i woke up a bit later than i planned. and then i went to school. and i had one free period there. and than i went home. mom came and picked me up, cause i quited earlier than planned. and theeeen i... i. had to install my cam once more. and i pestered Trevor. and then i talked to maria and i am. :P i'm sleeping over at her house. we're going to Kr.Sand tomorrow. so, yes. i'm sleeping here.

i have a head ache. but i hope it'll go over soon. and Marias Net hates me. seriously it does! and i'm a bit bored. and i'm tired, so i should go to sleep. but haha, as if.

O.o i got a hole in my thigh(sp)

and that's it for today.
-Captain HB-

1 comment:

John said...

You did WHAT!?!? to Trevor?!