Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bob aand Whiskey

today i have done a lot, except what i said i was gonna do. i helped mom clean the whole TV-room. ... washing the walls and the ceiling. and the windows. yeah, and i cleaned my own room. but i didn't vacuum the living room. gosh, shes gonna kill me O.o SSHH! well well the reason for that i cleaned my own room was because i got tow fishes today. (oh that sentence sounded weird...) they are the same age but one of them, the one who is called Bob, so SO much bigger than Whiskey. she i got them from said it was because Bob has been eating all those smaller fishes. :P oh well i love him all ready. so i have been busy fixing the aquarium for them :) but i am so good as done. and the finishing product is lovely:)

well, i have been thinking of what the hell to write about today, and i got a text message right when i thought of it, so why not talk about cellphones? i mean, i think i love that man or woman who invented cellphones. but in the same time i really wanna kill him/her. it's a nice way to like say hello to a friend, but you don't want to talk to them. and to say quick thing like "buy milk" but in the same time... think of all the text messages that is send every second in the world. i don't think there is a second where there's not send a text message. Gosh how frustrating. just by thinking on it my brain hurts. i mean... i mean... who is it that is keeping a eye on it? and what if the whole system fall to the ground O.o aaah, HEEEELP MEEEE!

i'm freezing, but i don't care to go done and get a sweater. so.. here i'm sitting. cold. and i want ice-cream... aah kill me.
-Captain HB-

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