Tuesday, August 14, 2007

dear jack!

erh. guess what. after mom borrowed my laptop i can't turn it on. maybe you understand that I'm not the happiest girl in town... i mean, what on earth did she do, if it was she who did it. i don't know. well, so I'm kinda borrowing moms comp. no I'm not gonna destroy it. and have i ever mentioned how much i hate her keyboard? well now i do. i hate it. it makes a very loud noise when you type, and the ... keys? are very hard. and i wish my laptop, who is named Jack and i will start using that name now, was working. i really hope we can fix it tomorrow, if not. well i don't know what to do.

so right now i'm lying in the chair, which was mine before. but mom and dad decided to take it *sniff* i feel sorry for it, and i never had the time to name it. but anyways, i have the keyboard on my lap, and i'm sitting really good here. but erh. i could have been sitting in my bed. and i promise you. my bed is SO much more compfy. i'm listening to a radio. it rocks. www.buzzradiolive.com you should really try it. they play good music and they're really cool people. at least her i know. DJ shakeyerbooty. ^_^

*sniff* i miss jack. and and if i lose all the things i have on my laptop i'm gonna kill myself! seriously, i'm so gonna die. why have i never taken the backup thingy? but i'm thinking. no why should i do that, jack is nice. but look. it's broken *sniff again* and and i'm not gonna survive if i lose all the pictures and the music goes away. and all my bookmarks. i'm not gonna let that happen. yes. well. anyways.

i will have to try and survive. no that i want to... uhm... yes. my eyes are tired now. and my brain. and i should maybe go to bed. but hey do i want to?! no! and second, no wait there is no second. oh yes. bookie *IF* you are reading this, i will say it again. do some more video bloging ^_^ and don't scream. :) all good? good!
-Captain HB- (oh i'm thinking if changing my name. from CaptainHB to He-len-uh!)


Anonymous said...

I wonder how you will manage in this world, if Jack is dead, forever gone, not capable to be rescued in any way (but of course, he's not dead, and I guess you're looking forward to have him back on track, happy and healthy).

Bunnymon said...

I MISS JACK!!!!!!!!!!!