Sunday, August 12, 2007


yes. well. to be honest, alot has happend since last time i posted here. but how much do i care to write here? aah. questions. i don't like them. well i like them. but not allways. wellwell. so *chough* yes, i'm still alive.

i've been working, mostly. when i haven't been working, i've been with Christine. and we've doing... oh i don't know, complainting and sleeping i think:P .i have been sleeping at christines. yes. she works where i work. and uhm.. yesterday i got my nabel(sp) pierced. :D it wasn't at painful as i thought i would be. i would love to do it again.

yes, so today. i got in a "fight" with my boss. with him being a jurk i just answered him as everynw should(but they don't) and in the end of the day it started like this. we had a pot we couldn't get clean. so i said to him "we need "stålull*" he came in and said " have you tryed that*points at a sponge* "yes of course" i snapped. yes, we were all abit tired and angry. and then he was like " you need to learn how to behave woth people, you're just 15 years old!!" " I'M NOT 15 i'm 16 thanks you, soon to be 17!!!" haha, i allmost peed my pants it was so funny. and everyone else in the kitchen had to hurry out so that he didn't see them laugh. mhm. so yes. he's abit agnry at me.
(*i don't know what it is in English)

so yes. i don't know if he want's me to work there anymore:P but i don't really care. he's so stupid. i mean how cares more for his flowers than his emploees(sp) no. nobody likes him. and if there are somone that does. they HAVE to be sick!

but except from that, nothing intresting has happend. kind off boring *sigh*
i wanna play Wii. so see ya later.
-Captain HB-


Anonymous said...

"stålull" is just a pan-scrubber thing, but please do describe what the heck a NABEL is hahahaha

Bunnymon said...

nabel is navel in german