Saturday, August 18, 2007


yes, well. uhm, if you notice i deleted my last post. uhm. yes. don't be sad, nothing importante. but yes. i'm not home today, i'm over at a friends house, and i'm gonna stay her till tomorrow. i was supposed to go to Frøysland to "mor og far" dad's parents. but since i'm gonna play drums for those people tomorrow morning. i'm just gona stay here, Christine, she i'm staying with, is going with me. i won't go alone you see. and besides, she knew where they lived. something i don't. so, yup. here i am. right now she is watching kids TV :P i just listen to them. she thinks that one of the characters reminds her of me, a duck. with glasses. so maybe it is me? i do love ducks. they QUACK! and that is so funny. when they quack quack! haha oh well.

oooh i know what i wanna do. i'm gonna make a list over all my movies that i have bought. i want to have a really big movie collection.i don'æt have that many yet. but that's gonna change. i've bought three movies already today. but simce i'm not home now i have to wait before i can do it, well, i can say which movies i bought today:) itwas:
-The Brothers Grimm
-StarWars VI (the return of the Jedi)
yup. i wanna have all the StarWars movies. i like StarWars. nothing bad about them is there? nope, thought so. i can't wait to see KanonBall. i have seen it once before. and it was so funny so when i saw it in the store i just had to buy it.i have seen borthers Grimm before too, and i love that one. and Heath Ledger is, i think every girl/woman and even Ninja Pirate thinks so, BEAUTIFUL. heh. and together with Dylan Moran and Johnny Deep... gosh, when i think of it, why can't they make a movie together? you know, for me *big smile* i think they should do it.

oh, and Bob. the fish remeber?, is really criminal, he's tearing up the plants i bought for him. how do you teach a fish not to tear up things. how do you even teach a fish? ooh the big Question. yeye. i think that i should go and be social... :P

-Captain HB-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your veil tail gold fish bob, is really Beelzebub Mmm yup, not kidding you! Beware!!!