Monday, August 27, 2007


oh, hello. i am at school. now. having art class. i'm supposed to draw a sculpture which i'm supposed to make in gypsum later. i think it can be fun. i think i'm gonna draw a pregnant lady. or something. maybe i'll post a picture of it later. that would be fun. i think. and you'll probably have a good laugh :P

oh, and yes, i didn't blog for yesterday, i wasn't feeling well, and i still aren't feeling well, so i went to bed rather early... but i didn't do anything special. i was a slave for mom... so as i said nothing unusual...

i should probably stop now, i'll update this blog later... i'll at least try :P

-Captain HB-


Anonymous said...

why don't draw the gentleman of yours?

Bunnymon said...

well i can't

Anonymous said...

oh. why not?

Bunnymon said...

because... the assignment say that i can't :(