Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ninja Pirates

Today, i haven't done much. nothing much at all. but i have done something. i hope... yes, i was with mom to the store. and and i helped her clean the kitchen... kind of. and she's angry at me for not vacuum the house. i think... no wait i don't ever think. I mean, no what i don't ever mean anything... well, anyways. after that i ate dinner and then Merethe came. mhm. but now i am thinking, what the hell do you care? like why should you care about my day, what i have done. i guess that you don't so i SO gonna quit that. well for today at least. but as i have mentioned in a older post, i'm a Ninja Pirate! i have always been one.

ninja pirates isn't like a child from a pirate and a ninja... they're just born that way. and when they get a child, that child isn't a ninja pirate. and ninja pirates are immortal. they can never die. and you can never trick one. so they are pretty much on the top over the food rank. yes, are you jealous? should be. and no, you can't just say "i'm a ninja pirate too" because that's not how it works. because every year we have a meeting. no i can't tell you where. but anyways. on that meting every single ninja pirate from all over the world comes. no it isn't so many about 50 or so. so we have written down the names of everyone. and i have a copy of it. so if your name is on that list, well then i guess your a ninja pirate. but i doubt it. sorry.

and with that said. beware. you never know when i'm gonna kill you in your sleep.

oh. latest news. i have to go to bed. uhm... mom is sending me to bed. yes. so... see ya
-Captain HB-


Anonymous said...

jeg bryr meg om hva du gjør i løpet av en dag. men jeg blir forvirret over klokkeslettene. lagt inn 18:04, var det det det stod? på natta kanskje, siden du ble sendt i seng?hm..

Anonymous said...

jepp det er noe galt med klokkeslettan (fiks det?!) for klokka er IKKE 04:10 nå.

Bunnymon said...

... ja på natten. menne engelsk takk. det er på en liten måte en engelsk side. så det er det ikke noe gøy med masse norsk inni den. kind of.

so from now on, ENGLISH PLEASE :)

Anonymous said...

okay, english. and what i said was something like: i care about what you do in your daily life. but there is something wrong with the clock on this blog?

so. yes. english from now on.

Bunnymon said...
