Sunday, September 30, 2007

Early mornings

Early mornings it. what is the point with them, well at school nights that it's okay, but but, i mean what is the point of waking up so damn early in vacations? it's just boring. no one is up that early anyways. *watching Big Girl - Mika at TV* you know, i like Mika, but something with him is really annoying! and by the way, i don't think i like this music video. O.o *shudders* oh well. it's over now. and i wonder what song that is next! :D

... uh... okay, ... uhm, i like the big girl better than this. and i don't know the name of this song. NEW SONG! Foo Fighters - the pretenders! i like foo fighters, so hopefully this will be a good song! :D ^_^ this song passed the test:P hehe. oh well. new song. but but think is just confusing. uhm, is it really the wonam that's singing? or is it a male that is singing, and she's just.. pretending it is her? O.o scary! i want a new song! O.o and old woman at least 80 playing drums... I SAID I WANT A NEW SONG!!! okay and here it is :D

*sigh* stupid song! she is in a little box... dancing up side down >_> oh she's out of the box now! ... two people in a box. oh and it reminds me og her in pussycatdolls... O.o finally a new song! heh, this was a funny song:P... not that funny! but better than the other songs :) and that is a good thing, aye? NEW SONG! Fall out boy. finally a good sing! The take over, the break over, or something.

yeye, it's still some songs to be heard, so stay tuned! haha, i felt like a TV person there:P yeye, what's song is next? meh, stupid song! do it well, Jennifer Lopez >_> meh. i want to change the channel, but but... what song is after this? oh yay, the song is over! (: likin park! :D bleed it out( or something) it's a thumb up song! ^_^

yeye, haha, totally spice! funny show.

oh, well over to something more understandable :P i'm sitting in the living room and watching tv. and since i don't have anything else to write about, so why not just tell you people what's going on there? a good plan if you ask me :D :P hehe. yeye, i'm off, see ya!

-Captain HB-

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