Thursday, September 27, 2007

like, the first one in years!

well. time for a new post now, aye? it's at school, and i'm talking to a friend here. and what we're talking about is how stupid we are drunk. and that we are doing the same things. haha, it's funny, and like, showing pictures. haha. oh well.

well now it's math. and well. i have been reading something that a friend of mine wrote. that was disturbing. but okay. he's better now. and that is good. and now i'm thinking on what to do now. probably nothing, so why not write here?

i don't feel like it, although i should start feeling like it, it's almost like year since last time. so ell, i'm gonna force myself to write now, and look, im writing ^_^ yay. maybe not the smartest post, but better than nothing omh, i'm repeating myself! make me stop. the only way that i can stop this is by ending the post. but that's not gonna happened.

the people in my math class is stupid:P well most of them. not all. they're playing .. what ever it is, i think it is timberlake, or what ever his name is. ad that's not all, they're singing too! and and they can't sing. so. lisence to kill? yeah. thanks you. *shoots*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been waiting for a new post for a long, long time. <3