Monday, July 16, 2007

death to spoons

"What is love? " yes, that is the song that's going through my head. and yes there is a reason. i'm gonna watch "A Night at the Roxbury" i have seeen it once before, but i can't remember anything about it, other than that it's funny! so i wanna watch it again soon. and i hope it will be as funny as last time, or even funnier.

so, yeah, that's pretty much it. OH wait i forgot. you know what i did today?!? i cleaned my room. like totally cleaned it. with soap and stuff O.oyeah, unbelivable, huh? my friend was so socked when she saw it. " WOAH HELENE, YOU HAVE CLEANED IT!" and after the sock we saw "Advent Children" by Final Fantasy VII i like that movie. and i think that every girl/woman should have their own Cloud, if they want to that is... i know i want one :P

and i like forks, spoons are overrated!
once my brest frined and i was cleaning their kitchen, and she was standing there with a spoon in her hands and she said: " you know, spoons are dangerous" and just looked at her and answered "er... okay, why?" and then she hit me right in the forehead with the spoon "therefore!"

no it's not funny, it hurt really bad! and after that i have allways hated spoons:P so GO FORK POWER!!!! forks pwn! big time!!!

see ya
-Captain HB-

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