Friday, July 13, 2007

well, the first one.

right. so here's the first one. i don't really know what to write about. and if i'm right, i don't think that there is anybody that will read this. and excuse my English, i know that sometimes it really suck, but that's maybe because i'm from norway... i don't know. i wish i did though.

so what's the theme for this first blog be? well i know. i can introduse you to Me, Myslef and I. it is mostly Me who controls everything, but sometimes I and Myself takes over. and when they do... run...

so. uhm. today at dinner, mom had made pizza. and since it's friday we don't sit round the table and eat. i had something i'mportante to say to mom, well not that importante, anyways. as i was in the middel of what i had to say she starts to back out of the kitchen as i talk, and in the middel of a sentence it was like: "...and than, come back i'm not finish yet, he said.." hehe it was so funny we almost laugh us to death. yes i know not so funny, but i have a sucky humor... and that's, well i think so, is mom's fault...

and, i must admit, i spend to much damn time here with my laptop... so now lately the second i open my laptop i get bored... so me and my friend has desided to noe spand so much time here. we have made a list that we have taped on to the cover of the laptop, so everytime i'm about to open it, i see that list and does something that stands there.

well, nect time i post, hope it dosn't take that long, i'll have something more intresing to talk about :)

see ya
-Captain HB-


John said...

*salutes Captain*

Bunnymon said...

hello :)
so, what rank would you like?

John said...

First mate?

Bunnymon said...

aah first mate it is.

*salutes first mate*

Anonymous said...

yes, well....I'm speechless...

Anonymous said...

More interesting than THIS? NOWAI capt'n ;p

5 HARRRRS!! (= pirate stars ;p)


Bunnymon said...

awww, thank you ^_^. and,uhm, please show it to your friends.. so that they to can have a laugh.. they need it, donæt you think?