Saturday, July 21, 2007

right, so here's another one O.o

No, I haven’t forgotten. I’m just a bit late. I’m writing it now, right!? Well, so this was my second day at work. And yes it is hard! Yesterday I worked 4 hours, and I thought that was hard. Today I worked 8, 5 hours! And my neck, back, legs AND feets hurt like hell!!! But I did have a good time… believe it or not.

So, what’s up? No wait… What’s going on? Yeah that’s better. Because now you can’t say: “the sky is up…” or something... Yeah, I’m smart!!!…. Shut it!!! And just for the record, there’s nothing going on over here, just me trying to get this blog finished while looking at a “movie” but I’m getting the hang of it ^_^ OMH HE JUST PICKED HIS NOSE!!!!... uhm… well… Where did the sound go!?! I hate it! Never mind that.

You know what. Because I really don’t know… but I wished I knew. It would make everything SO much easier, really. Oh there is something I know. But… I don’t know if I’d like to share it with you… oh heck, why not? I like… A LOT!!!! O.o you didn’t see that coming, did you? OH DEAR HOLY GOD, HE’S SICK O.o!!!! *chough* GAD, HE CAN’T SING! STOP SINGING!!! But right, so uhm… I think that I should go to bed. Like right away… so

Nighty night.
-Captain HB-

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