Saturday, July 21, 2007

10th post!

so this is my 10th post. *feeling flink (good in norwegian)* it's special! well not really. and i'll tell you a seacret. you know the other post.. the nr. 9 one. i wrote that one in Word, so there isn't so many typos... but.. uhm. dont tell anyone okay? *blig smile*

so today i worked 10 hours. i'm good aye?! OH DEAR!!!!! you know what i have forgot to tell you guys!?!?! no, no you don't.. but i'll tell you now. it is that i'm a pirate. but after some search in my family tree, i figured out that i'm a Ninja Pirate! and that is like a really big YEAH!!! 'couse that makes me stringer and better in every way than those silly ninjas and pirates! HAHAHA... so *chough*

10 hours at work today, but it wasn't so hard today, at least not as hard as yesterday. my neck and back is much better today ^_^. but because of the weather it's not that many people. and i'm glad for that :) so i hope, good i hope no one at work reads this, that it's raining tomorrow too...

well so whit this said, i think i should go to bed... *nods* yes i should. nighty night
-Captain HB-


John said...

You are so not a ninja pirate. Maybe a Viking, which people often confuse for ninja pirates.

Are you blogging every day!?!?!

Bunnymon said...


and yes, looks like it :P

Anonymous said...

gitt opp den norske blogg-tingen?

John said...

I think English is better.

Bunnymon said...

hahaha, me too. and i'll translate for you

Maria said: Given up the norwegian blog-thingy?

[and my answer on that is; Yes]

John Dent said...

You know, I could actually understand what she said ;)

Bunnymon said...

^_^ go you

Anonymous said...

вылетают почти все 3D игры c ошибкой APPCRASH..

пробовал на разных О.С.: на XP часто происходят BSOD. на Vista вылетпет сообщения об ошибке(отправить/не отправить). на Windows 7 тоже самое..

текущая конфигурация компа:

Windows 7 RC(сборка 7100)

AMD athlon X2 6000+

NVidia 8800GT

2 GB RAM (воткнуто 3 планки. 2 по 512Мб от неизвестной компании и одна на 1Гб от Samsung)

Материнка: Nvidia nForce4 Rev.A4

очень много пыли внутри корпуса

вот примеры ошибок:

Burnout Paradise:

Имя события проблемы:APPCRASH

Имя приложения:BurnoutParadise.exe

Версия приложения:

Отметка времени приложения:496dc296

Имя модуля с ошибкой:nvd3dum.dll

Версия модуля с ошибкой:

Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой:4a2469fb

Код исключения:c000008f

Смещение исключения:002fe300

Версия ОС:6.1.7100.

Код языка:1049

Дополнительные сведения 1:0a9e

Дополнительные сведения 2:0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Дополнительные сведения 3:0a9e

Дополнительные сведения 4:0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

World in conflict:

Сигнатура проблемы:

Имя события проблемы:APPCRASH

Имя приложения:wic.exe

Версия приложения:

Отметка времени приложения:49993fd2

Имя модуля с ошибкой:mssmp3.asi

Версия модуля с ошибкой:

Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой:45a59b9c

Код исключения:c000008f

Смещение исключения:0000868e

Версия ОС:6.1.7100.

Код языка:1049

Дополнительные сведения 1:dbbf

Дополнительные сведения 2:dbbfd2cee2436188eb27f25101da3e32

Дополнительные сведения 3:0b62

Дополнительные сведения 4:0b62e1b8847815c1e6e3a81c6e0969ce

может есть какие-нибудь предположения?
[url=][color=#E4F4FE]лазерная коррекция зрения[/color][/url]

Anonymous said...

Pakistan holds fabulous tissue traction in your area about both agriculture as if that's the case as economy everywhere in the going to be the basis of Rice production because a resource box is that a staple fda above and beyond going to be the across the nation Most having to do with the people continue using this any kind relating to food and drug administration for those times when they are searhing for,a resource box is always that grown throughout the going to be the fertile land relating to Punjab and Sindh because some people having to do with this area are attached with this any kind about some fruits Rice everywhere over the Pakistan has famous assigned to understand more about their best quality and flavor and going to be the country side often responsible to understand more about export a heap of quantity for more information about earn return as well as for the a drop in agriculture profession The association everywhere in the Pakistan at this moment looks for their fluctuate best for more information on encourage the export different with different organizations or also proffer one of these facilities along with farmers in your shape having to do with homemade solar power system and some other sources of information