Monday, July 30, 2007


mhm. okay. i'm back. it's been a while since last time... i think *funny face* but anyways. the theme for today iiiis (i was gonna take lov, but then i remembered a curtain "Cara" who reads it and decided to take:) Norbit! (it's a movie!) i saw the trailer at TV. yes i do watch lot at TV. and i thought to myself. i wanna see that movie. so when me and mom was at the store i saw that movie and i brought it. and i have now. and i have seen it. *I* think it was funny :) mom didn't... she's adult.. yeah.

so lately i have been working, alot, and sleeping, and eating icecream. not good :/ but but... i don't care. hah.

you know, i don't know where people are... well my brother is sleeping and dad is at work... but where is mom, she's usually up by now O.o spooky. hehe. wellwell. so. maybe i should talk about somehing more *thinks* oh yeah. i'm not gonna be so much online the rest of this week and the next one. *sigh* why not, you wonder? well i'm going to work... work allmost everyday, except monday and thusday, but on thusday i'm gonna go to the zoo with maria.

and i'm sorry for that i haven't posted a blog before now. but i had to half done posts, to be posted. but i never came so far that i fixed them and posted.

this new guy, well he isn't new, just that i haven't worked with him before. he smelld SO good ^_^

right, gotta get going.
-Captain HB-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot?!? you can't write about love, but you can mentioned that guy who made your knees go wobbly because he smelled so good? Aye, that's HB-logic for ya!

...and Norbit was just bad! Even Benchwarmers was great in comparison :P