Thursday, July 19, 2007

First day at work

so, now i have been at work. and .. YES my back hurt... what did you thingk!!!? and just for the record, working as a dishwaseer and cleaning help in a bar/resturant is damn hard! and i should get some muscels from this.. if not... i son't think we should talk about that.. really. oh yes blister hust too, mhm they do. and i have like... MANY...

well so apart from that, i think that it should go buses to twelve, and not just to ten... i have to go home.. but not today, Mariann and Christian drove me home today :) but i probably have to go home the upcoming days... or call mom and ask if she can come and get me. which i think i'll do. but i actually want to go to work tomorrow. it was kinda fun... not when it was stressful... you know what i mean(and if you don't, to bad for you)

right now my eye make a funny sound:P i need food... cake.. and MILK! have i ever said how much i like milk? no not like... LOVE!!! how much i love milk. if i go a day without milk, i get a headache. and we don't want that, that my opinion.... right, so uhm

see ya
-Captain HB-


John said...

He he he... Sounds like you had a great time!! :P

Anonymous said...

Blisters do hurt, but your fingers will get used to the hot dishes after a while... Hang in there, I'm proud of yah :D