Tuesday, July 17, 2007

*4* *orange*

right *hick-up* so i have now seen "A night at the Roxbury" and it was at some parts funnier than i thought. and some places was just deadly boring:P but seen all in all, i liked it! *hick-up* so even though none of you have posted a film that you want me to see, i have to rate this then. and i will give it a strong 4. if you need a laugh this is the movie.

so with that said, i'll go over to the daily things. like my grand pa had birthday today:) so we were over there most of the day. mhm and i got my hair cut. it feels like i don't have hair left >.< even though i have long hair now. before it was really long, now it's just long... mmm. something like that.

i'm gonna be orange!.. STOP LOOKING AT ME THAT WAY! the world isn't faling apart just because of that! and and.. er... i don't really like the color orange, but still i wanna be orange. and the reason is, yes i have a reason, before, when i was little, i always had something orange on me ^_^ heh. that's one of the things a friends remember about me from when we were little. and yes it's true. but there's a reason that i was wearing orange all the time... mom said it suted me! so then it must be true... err. right?

and i should probably be going to bed. tomorrow is Simens birthday, and i have to go to Mandal and buy him a opresent... not that i'm sure what i'm gonna buy... but i hope'll think of something, wait let me refrace that sentence " i know i'll think of something"

oh and i have two last things to say before i go... so hang on, okay?
the first thing: i'm a "Ninja Pirate" and i'm immortal!
the second thing: i have a job for the summer... most likely... hopefully...

sooo, see ya
-Captain HB-


John said...

You want to be orange? That's weird. Green and Blue girls are much nicer looking.

Bunnymon said...

haha! but i wanna be orange. and i don't really care what other thinks...