Wednesday, July 18, 2007


yes, the job thingy went well, i think. so tomorrow six pm i'm going to go down there and try it, and see how it is. and if i like it, and if they think i'm good enough then the job is mine. i hope it goes okay. *cross fingers* so today me an my brother was in Mandal, he wanted to spend some money he got from his birthday, and i needed black pants. i found some! YaY!

this day has gone fast, not that it's sp late right now... oh god, i don't have anything to talk about, except that i don't have nything to talk about... I HATE IT!!!!! ÆÆÆÆÆ!

-Captain HB-


John said...

Why not orange pants?

Bunnymon said...

oh yeah, ornage pants at work? hahaha ^_^