Sunday, September 30, 2007

Early mornings

Early mornings it. what is the point with them, well at school nights that it's okay, but but, i mean what is the point of waking up so damn early in vacations? it's just boring. no one is up that early anyways. *watching Big Girl - Mika at TV* you know, i like Mika, but something with him is really annoying! and by the way, i don't think i like this music video. O.o *shudders* oh well. it's over now. and i wonder what song that is next! :D

... uh... okay, ... uhm, i like the big girl better than this. and i don't know the name of this song. NEW SONG! Foo Fighters - the pretenders! i like foo fighters, so hopefully this will be a good song! :D ^_^ this song passed the test:P hehe. oh well. new song. but but think is just confusing. uhm, is it really the wonam that's singing? or is it a male that is singing, and she's just.. pretending it is her? O.o scary! i want a new song! O.o and old woman at least 80 playing drums... I SAID I WANT A NEW SONG!!! okay and here it is :D

*sigh* stupid song! she is in a little box... dancing up side down >_> oh she's out of the box now! ... two people in a box. oh and it reminds me og her in pussycatdolls... O.o finally a new song! heh, this was a funny song:P... not that funny! but better than the other songs :) and that is a good thing, aye? NEW SONG! Fall out boy. finally a good sing! The take over, the break over, or something.

yeye, it's still some songs to be heard, so stay tuned! haha, i felt like a TV person there:P yeye, what's song is next? meh, stupid song! do it well, Jennifer Lopez >_> meh. i want to change the channel, but but... what song is after this? oh yay, the song is over! (: likin park! :D bleed it out( or something) it's a thumb up song! ^_^

yeye, haha, totally spice! funny show.

oh, well over to something more understandable :P i'm sitting in the living room and watching tv. and since i don't have anything else to write about, so why not just tell you people what's going on there? a good plan if you ask me :D :P hehe. yeye, i'm off, see ya!

-Captain HB-

Thursday, September 27, 2007

like, the first one in years!

well. time for a new post now, aye? it's at school, and i'm talking to a friend here. and what we're talking about is how stupid we are drunk. and that we are doing the same things. haha, it's funny, and like, showing pictures. haha. oh well.

well now it's math. and well. i have been reading something that a friend of mine wrote. that was disturbing. but okay. he's better now. and that is good. and now i'm thinking on what to do now. probably nothing, so why not write here?

i don't feel like it, although i should start feeling like it, it's almost like year since last time. so ell, i'm gonna force myself to write now, and look, im writing ^_^ yay. maybe not the smartest post, but better than nothing omh, i'm repeating myself! make me stop. the only way that i can stop this is by ending the post. but that's not gonna happened.

the people in my math class is stupid:P well most of them. not all. they're playing .. what ever it is, i think it is timberlake, or what ever his name is. ad that's not all, they're singing too! and and they can't sing. so. lisence to kill? yeah. thanks you. *shoots*


Thursday, September 20, 2007

post nr. 38

ja, idag har jeg bestemt meg får å skrive på orsk, så du som leser dette utenom Maria, vil mest sannsynlig ikke forstå en jævla dritt. but anyways. jeg bryr meg ikke, jeg er shiiiit lei skolen, og vil på jonas B. og trøste spise, siden alt er teit:P men det som er teitest er egentlig det at jeg irriterer alle som ikke gjør som jeg sir O.o jeg må slutte med det... nå på sekundet. jeg må ikke bli slik, jeg må ta megselv i nakken. *tar megselv i nakken* *ser meg rundt på alle folkene som ser på meg nå* "eh... heh..." jaja, vegg, slik kan det gå. ikke mess med meg O.o min "rar-faktor" kan slå hull i deg! hah. jeg bare rocker.... vegge. jeg rocker veggen.. nei. jeg rocker. stortsett alt. mhm der har vi det, jeg rocler stortsett alt. missunnelig? du burde. mener det, du burde! ha!

i'm bored!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleeping is... like dreaming!

hmm, it's a while since I've written a long and "good" post now, and i think it's about time i do. but the problem is that i haven't got that much to tell, nothing at all... so, er I'm gonna twist my brain, just for you...

I'm thinking on dye my hair back to Brown. but i'm not sure. Purple is ... Helene. but then again, it would be nice to have brown again. but as i said i'm not sure.

and that was maybe the most interesting. yeye. oh and if you wondered; Sleeping is... like dreaming!

i'm serious, it is!

-captain HB-

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The world IS a better place now! be happy!

Friday, September 7, 2007


things are not how they should be! i want them as they should be, i want things to be... ... not who they are now. and how can i make them be like they should?

i don't know.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bored to tears

yeah, probably time for a new post now. but i'm lazy, sorry. but anyway, nothing has happened. just me dying my hair purple again. and uhm. i'm having International English right now. yea, at school. listening to a CD. and we're supposed to figure out the different dialects. you know, if it is british or American.... or indian English. hehe it is funny. yeye. i think my teacher is very fond of writing on the blackboard.

my stomach is hungry. well, now it's not. now i'm hungry. and i have to go, see ya later =)
-Captain HB-

Sunday, September 2, 2007

who dosn't like lists?

Hello, and good morning to you too. What to write about today I asked myself, but couldn’t come up with something, so I asked Tusk.

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

why boys are so silly?

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

and what kinda boys you like?

BookieMonster sier (18:23):

famous ones?

Why haven’t I thought of that? *smacks hand on forehead* oh well. So here comes a list of my top male actors that I like.

1. Dylan Moran

2. Johnny Depp

3. Heath Ledger

4. Jon Heder

5. Seann William Scott

I’m sure there are more, but I can’t remember them now. You know, when I think about it. I can’t remember one single female actor except Kiera Knightly… and I’m not even sure if I spelt that right O.o well well.

I can make another list over what bands I listen to now ^_^ yes.

1. Blue October

2. The Bloodhound Gang

3. Regina Spektor

4. Tori Amos

5. Rammstein

6. Metallica

7. Billy Joel

8. Opeth

9. The Whitlams

10. Danny Elfman

And I’m sure there are a lot more than just those. But that is the ones I came to think of right now.

Have I ever told you how much I hate spoons? I think I have, but so what, I’ll tell you again. I really hate them. But forks on the other hand, I love forks. They are SO much cooler and all that, toughest and all that. Mhm. We love the forks.

Heh I found a picture of me and Maria some days ago. OMG how I looked. But Maria was worse than me. :P *hides under the sofa *shouts to Maria* I still love you! So well yeah. It was on 17. May I can’t quite remember what year. :P but we were small. Hehe.

“Å, dette er jeg flink til, kram nepe.”

-Captain HB-

Saturday, September 1, 2007


mhm, so it's been some time since last time i wrote. sorry. nothing interesting has happened. mmm. so today, i have been sleeping and with maria. maria is desperate O.o oh well. we have been eating and nerding and walking. mhm. and that is probably it. so i really need to find something to write about.

a film? nah. oh wait i know. me and maria have been trying to do this Quiz. stupid quiz. *brb* *back* lalalalala

it hink i'm gonna end this post.
-captain HB-

(and maria's the one to publish the post... uhm, yeah)