Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Saturday, February 2, 2008


Monday, October 22, 2007

Sucj Horrible Things!

Such Horrible Things
Creature Feature
Sit Back Now
Let Me Tell You A Tale
Where Justice Does Not Prevail

About An Ill-Fated Life
So Very Full Of Strife
Where Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right


When I Was Born
I Did Surely Scorn
My Proud Parent's Name
Then Their Lives Went Down The Drain
Drove Them Insane
My Birth Was A Curse
I Bit The Nurse
Oh, But I Love The Worst
I Deserve To Be Slowly Submersed
Dried Out Then Laid In A Hearse

When I Was Two
I Poured Super Glue
Into My Fathers Hair
As He Sat Unaware
In His Arm Chair
Much To Dismay
Had To Cut It All Away
Oh, But It Felt Great
I Deserve To Cut And Filleted
Then Tossed About In Disarray
Until The Pieces Melt Away

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Four
I'd Wait By The Door
With A Knife In My Hand
And A Most Devious Plan
It Would Be Quite Grand
As The Mail Fell Through The Slot
The Sharp Edge He Got
Oh, But I Love The Thought
I Deserve To Be Tied In A Knot
Broken Bones And Blood Clots

When I Was Six
I Used To Trick
The Next Door Neighbors Son
In The Woods We Would Run
Time For Fun
Hide N Seek Has A Cost
He Would Be Forever Lost
Oh, But I Love To Scoff
I Deserve To Have My Head Lopped Off
Hidden And Covered In Moss
Until This Memory's Forgot

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Eight
I Used To Hate
The Color Of My House
So As Quiet As A Mouse
I Burned It Down
To The Ground
When No One Was Around
Oh, But I Love The Sound
I Deserve To Be Put Quickly Down
Rotting Six-Feet Underground

When I Was Ten
I Used To Pretend
To Drown In The Sea
Till They'd Come To Rescue Me
Then Preceed
To Laugh In Their Face
Such A Disgrace
Oh, But I Love The Taste
I Deserve To Have My Brains Displaced
All Over The Fireplace
Until This Life Has Been Erased

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Twelve
I Used To Delve
Into Evil Schemes
Just To Elicit Screams
Boost My Self Asteem
Pushed My Sister Down A Well
She Just Fell
Oh, But I Love To Dwell
I Deserve To Roast Deep Down In Hell
Where No One Can Hear Me Yell

When I Was Fourteen
Nothing Much Happened

There Was That One Time

I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems
*Not Quite What He Seems*
Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
It's Exactly What It Seems

When I Was Sixteen
Life Was Frightening
My Brother Was Quite Dull
So With Laughter In My Skull
Pushed Him In A Hole
Then Buried Him Alive
He Barely Survived
Oh, But I Love The Cries
I Deserve To Be Battered And Fried
In An Electric Chair That's Set On High

Now That I'm Eighteen
I Still Hate Things
From This Padded Cell I Call My Home
No Friends, No Phone
No Life To Call My Own

Here I Will Lie
Until The Very Day I Die
Until My Blood Begins To Dry
And I Return To The Darkness From Whence I Came


I Am Not A Bad Man
Even Though I Do Bad Things
Very Bad Things
Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems

Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell
I'm Exactly What I Seem

ok, this may be the funniest song in a long long time! ^_^

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have updated my movie list today ^____^

I have updated my movie list today ^____^

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Early mornings

Early mornings it. what is the point with them, well at school nights that it's okay, but but, i mean what is the point of waking up so damn early in vacations? it's just boring. no one is up that early anyways. *watching Big Girl - Mika at TV* you know, i like Mika, but something with him is really annoying! and by the way, i don't think i like this music video. O.o *shudders* oh well. it's over now. and i wonder what song that is next! :D

... uh... okay, ... uhm, i like the big girl better than this. and i don't know the name of this song. NEW SONG! Foo Fighters - the pretenders! i like foo fighters, so hopefully this will be a good song! :D ^_^ this song passed the test:P hehe. oh well. new song. but but think is just confusing. uhm, is it really the wonam that's singing? or is it a male that is singing, and she's just.. pretending it is her? O.o scary! i want a new song! O.o and old woman at least 80 playing drums... I SAID I WANT A NEW SONG!!! okay and here it is :D

*sigh* stupid song! she is in a little box... dancing up side down >_> oh she's out of the box now! ... two people in a box. oh and it reminds me og her in pussycatdolls... O.o finally a new song! heh, this was a funny song:P... not that funny! but better than the other songs :) and that is a good thing, aye? NEW SONG! Fall out boy. finally a good sing! The take over, the break over, or something.

yeye, it's still some songs to be heard, so stay tuned! haha, i felt like a TV person there:P yeye, what's song is next? meh, stupid song! do it well, Jennifer Lopez >_> meh. i want to change the channel, but but... what song is after this? oh yay, the song is over! (: likin park! :D bleed it out( or something) it's a thumb up song! ^_^

yeye, haha, totally spice! funny show.

oh, well over to something more understandable :P i'm sitting in the living room and watching tv. and since i don't have anything else to write about, so why not just tell you people what's going on there? a good plan if you ask me :D :P hehe. yeye, i'm off, see ya!

-Captain HB-

Thursday, September 27, 2007

like, the first one in years!

well. time for a new post now, aye? it's at school, and i'm talking to a friend here. and what we're talking about is how stupid we are drunk. and that we are doing the same things. haha, it's funny, and like, showing pictures. haha. oh well.

well now it's math. and well. i have been reading something that a friend of mine wrote. that was disturbing. but okay. he's better now. and that is good. and now i'm thinking on what to do now. probably nothing, so why not write here?

i don't feel like it, although i should start feeling like it, it's almost like year since last time. so ell, i'm gonna force myself to write now, and look, im writing ^_^ yay. maybe not the smartest post, but better than nothing omh, i'm repeating myself! make me stop. the only way that i can stop this is by ending the post. but that's not gonna happened.

the people in my math class is stupid:P well most of them. not all. they're playing .. what ever it is, i think it is timberlake, or what ever his name is. ad that's not all, they're singing too! and and they can't sing. so. lisence to kill? yeah. thanks you. *shoots*


Thursday, September 20, 2007

post nr. 38

ja, idag har jeg bestemt meg får å skrive på orsk, så du som leser dette utenom Maria, vil mest sannsynlig ikke forstå en jævla dritt. but anyways. jeg bryr meg ikke, jeg er shiiiit lei skolen, og vil på jonas B. og trøste spise, siden alt er teit:P men det som er teitest er egentlig det at jeg irriterer alle som ikke gjør som jeg sir O.o jeg må slutte med det... nå på sekundet. jeg må ikke bli slik, jeg må ta megselv i nakken. *tar megselv i nakken* *ser meg rundt på alle folkene som ser på meg nå* "eh... heh..." jaja, vegg, slik kan det gå. ikke mess med meg O.o min "rar-faktor" kan slå hull i deg! hah. jeg bare rocker.... vegge. jeg rocker veggen.. nei. jeg rocker. stortsett alt. mhm der har vi det, jeg rocler stortsett alt. missunnelig? du burde. mener det, du burde! ha!

i'm bored!